Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry includes Bible studies, Book Club, and various events throughout the year.

For more information, email womensministry@rpcbowie.org.

Women’s Study

The women’s study is working through the book, None Like Him, by Jen Wilkin as they study the incommunicable attributes of God. The evening study meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM, while the morning study meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 9:45 AM.

Women’s Book Club

Women’s Book Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month to enjoy fellowship, a tasty meal, and to discuss the book selection for the month from a Christian and reformed perspective. All women age 18 and above are welcome to attend.

Book Club has been meeting continuously since 2005. One night each month we gather for a soup-and-salad dinner, warm fellowship, and a lively discussion of the book for the month. Various women volunteer to host, prepare food, and facilitate the discussions, and we strive to discuss the themes and context of each book from a Christian and reformed perspective. You do not have to have read the book to come—come for the fellowship (and yummy food)! A brief description of each book is included in this document.

Women’s Book Club utilizes Sign-Up GeniusTM to organize each month’s meeting. With the link to the Sign-Up Genius, you can sign up to come, as well as volunteer to contribute to the meal. If you would like to be added to the Sign-Up Genius, please email Amy Ramsey at ramseyfamily53@msn.com.

Book selection happens at the end of the summer. Hostesses and discussion leaders are identified after the list has been set. If you are interested in being part of recommending books, being a hostess, or leading a discussion, please contact Deb Evans at debraruthie@hotmail.com.