I’m New, What Can I Expect?

Welcome to RPCB.

Welcome to Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bowie

Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You’ll find all kinds of people here with a wide diversity of backgrounds, ethnicities, nationalities, ages, and experiences. We enjoy this diversity and we delight in our unity which is our shared love for our Savior Jesus Christ.

Morning Worship

Followed by Discipleship for all ages

Sundays at 10:00 AM

Our worship is simple, reverent, and rich. We seek to be Christ-centered throughout and full of the Word of the gospel that creates and nourishes our ongoing faith. Each week we gather to sing, pray, hear the Word read and preached, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper.


We offer a nursery with sermon video available for parents of children ages 1 month to 5 years during morning worship, as well as during Bible classes for all ages following Sunday morning worship.


We seek to sing hymns and songs that are match theological richness with music that reflects and expresses the words we're singing. While most often these songs are accompanied by piano, we occasionally have guitars and other instruments leading.

Lord's Supper

Believing that Jesus gave us his sacraments (baptism & Lord’s Supper) for our spiritual good, nourishment & edification, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week as part of our Sunday morning worship.


Following the morning worship service, we offer coffee and tea and then have discipleship classes for all ages, from pre-K through adults.

Evening Worship/ Hymn Sing

Sundays at 6:00 PM

We enjoy the opportunity each Lord’s Day to close it the same way we have opened it—in worship. At the evening service we gather for a shorter, less formal service with a different sermon and music than the morning. On the first Sunday of each month, we have Hymn Sing instead of worship.

Why Evening Worship?

We do not see Evening Worship at RPCB as an alternative to Morning Worship, but rather an extension of it. Following the pattern of historic christianity, we enjoy book ending the Lord's Day in worship of Him.

Monthly Hymn Sing

The first Sunday evening of the month is hymn sing, our "congregational choir practice," where we get a chance to try out new tunes that may be incorporated into our morning worship, as well as sing our old favorites by request.

Hymn of the Month

We desire to be a church which is ever growing in its affection and knowledge of old and new hymnody. Each month we choose a hymn which we sing at every evening worship service that month to help us learn it.

Prayer Meeting

Wednesdays at 7:30 PM via Zoom

One of the treasured components of the Christian faith is the opportunity to pray to our God who listens and answers. We love to pray together for our world, our community, and one another. Join with us on Zoom for our one-hour long prayer meeting. (Passcode is 20721.)


How Long Are the Services?

Morning Worship typically lasts about 1 and 1/2 hours. The Discipleship classes which follow are 45 minutes. Evening worship is usually 1 hour long.

How Many People Attend?

Our average Morning Worship service attendance is usually around 125 people. Evening worship is typically closer to 50 people.

Should I Take Communion?

We encourage anyone who is baptized and a member in good standing at a Christian church to partake in the Supper with us. If you don't know if that describes you please ask us before service.

What to Wear

Please feel free to come dressed however you are comfortable. Most of our congregation joins Morning Worship in business casual attire but on any Sunday you will see a range from T-shirts, to traditional international dress (Nigerian and Cameroonian), to suits. Evening Worship tends to be more casual.