Our Values

Our Founding Principles

God’s Word in the Bible is the foundational authority in the church. We desire to base our worship and our very lives on its teaching.
We are a Protestant congregation (rather than Roman Catholic), committed to the doctrine that sinful people can only be made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God (which is the Good News of the Gospel).
Reformed / Confessional
We happily embrace Reformed theology which we believe is what the Bible teaches. We believe the clear biblical teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was sharpened and clarified during the Protestant Reformation. Our teaching and preaching reflects the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, the systematic statement of the Bible’s teaching adopted by our denomination as its doctrinal summary.
Presbyterian in Organization
Being Presbyterian, our church is led by a plurality of elders, both in the local congregation as well as in the broader church which is organizationally structured into regional (Presbyteries) and national (General Assembly) denominational groupings.

Our Vision of Ministry

To fulfill our mission as a local expression of Christ’s church, we seek to glorify God and enjoy Him forever as we…
Embrace His Word.
We are a congregation formed by God’s Word in the Good News of Jesus Christ which we have each heard and believed. In families and individually we seek to know the Word of God, sit under the teaching and discipleship of the elders; be faithful stewards of the responsibilities, gifts, and resources that God has given us; be involved in each other’s lives and responsive to each other’s needs; and look forward to the day when Christ returns and we will be with Him forever.
We seek to worship God in Spirit and in truth, according to the Bible; to understand Biblical doctrine, summarized by the Westminster Confession of Faith; to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to center our lives, individually and corporately, on the Lord Jesus Christ.
We evangelize – locally through preaching and teaching, globally through missions; and bear witness – knowing, practicing, and defending our faith in Christ.

Our Core Values


The center of our life together as a church is our weekly worship when we worship our God and Father through the Lord Jesus Christ by the preaching of the Word and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.


There are many opportunities for fellowship within our congregation including weekly time of coffee and tea after morning worship, regular Bible and book studies that meet go deeper in the Word, and church dinners and other events throughout the year.


Discipleship classes for all ages meet weekly after morning worship for all ages, from Pre-K through adults. In addition, we have regular Bible studies that meet to study the Bible and theological books together.